The times vary a lot but are usually quite short; the herbs must be carefully monitored to avoid burning them. It can often be residual negative energy from the people or events that have taken place in that very spot. Lay out sage bundles in a single layer on the paper towel, then add another paper towel on top. is pure again. It involves the burning of specific herbs, most commonly White Sage – and fanning the smoke to cleanse away the bad energy. removing negative energies and thoughts from the soul that is left by a person After cutting the sage, gather it in a bundle, tie it, and hang it in a dry place. It also allows the sage to get to the perfect consistency to be burned and to create the cleansing smoke you need to cleanse yourself and your space. You’ll likely want to smudge otherwise you will be taking on the energies of the previous owners of the home or the construction workers and contractors if the house is brand new. (Its Latin name refers to its main pollinator, the honeybee.) The smoke fills and purifies the environment. The important thing is to choose the right place for drying, somewhere ventilated, and not humid. Light up some candles and then begin to evenly light up your smudge stick. [Different Shrubs], let sage manifest its properties and benefits. 4. It is a Native American tradition that has been Always avoid humid places and too much light. carried over by anyone regardless of their culture. White sage (salvia apiana) is a wonderful plant for cooking, medicinal use, and smudging. If it takes a little bit more time, don’t freak out! When the sage is done being used, make sure it is properly extinguished before leaving the room. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about smudging, including benefits, what you need for smudging, how to smudge your house and yourself, and more. Show gratitude to the earth for the herbs that you used to purify and cleanse yourself and your chosen area. And lastly towards your heart, so you can feel the good. Why? I don't have anything against them; if you like them, get one. Collect them in the morning. White sage (Salvia apiana) To purify, protect, and refresh the energy around you. courtesy of Amazon. For example, when you purchase a new home. Either you can place the smudge stick in a fire-safe bowl away from anything flammable and, while keeping a close eye on it, allow it to slowly burn itself out (I can’t speak for all smudge sticks, but mine eventually go out on their own after a few minutes). White Sage Bundles. Smudging is a vital way to complete sacred work. Consequently, this can create a larger barrier between both conscious and unconscious worlds. Trim the sage rather than pulling it out by the root. Be sure to let them know of any intentions you have so that they can best provide you with guidance. However, note that White Sage has become a protected plant due to over-harvesting. [Different Shrubs]. Sage is the most commonly used method of cleansing/ smudging, however you can mix your Sage with many other Herbs as well, which simply adds the additional benefits to your normal smudging/ cleansing routine. But we’ll get into how to burn sage a bit later! This is a broad leaf sage is highly prized for its strong aromatic properties (strongest of the different types of sage). Light the top and let the flame burn out. After you dried your sage, now it’s time to store it properly! Sage tends to take longer than many herbs to dry due to its high oil content. There are many instances when you should smudge that go beyond cleansing and purifying a room after an argument has taken place. item as well and bringing it home is also a good time to smudge. Smudging requires simple ingredients like matches, smudging herbs, and a smudging bowl. You can use cotton to bind them. I had already dried and preserved about 5 mason jars worth for tea and still had tons left over. If dew or moisture seep into your sage bundle overnight, this will undermine the drying process. ], Does Smudging Kill Germs? The procedure is simple and only takes a few days: after having collected the sage leaves, perhaps choosing the largest, wash them carefully and let them dry on a cloth. Towards your (closed!) Even the Native Americans used it. Table sage is just fine. Depending on what type of herb you used, and how humid your weather is, it may take a couple of days or as much as a week to dry out. Even if the Some common ones are: sage, cedar, sweet grass, and lavender. Wash the leaves thoroughly in a colander and let the water drain out. Hope you feel equipped enough to start your OTHER DRYING METHODS You can also save time by using a food dehydrator to dry your sage. Smoke attaches itself … Sage. Intentions are central to the practice of smudging, so take a moment before you light the sage to determine what exactly it is that you're trying to purify or release from your space. (Grow your own or find cedar smudge sticks here.) Bundles of sage and Palo Santo packaged as “smudging kits” are available for sale at yoga studio gift shops, popular retailers like Madewell and Urban Outfitters, and even behemoths like Walmart. The smoke is what does the clearing. Discover the ways that smudging can improve health and create space in your life and home for positive energy to flow. [Which Herbs To Pick? Because only when sage is dry can this herb create the cleansing smoke able to truly banish negative energies from your place and create enough room for fresh, new, positive energy. Sunlight is not optimal for drying; it reduces the time but compromises quality since some components of the herbs are photosensitive and thermolabile. When you reach the tip, begin working your way back down toward the base. It clears stuck and low vibration energies. own negative energy clearing ceremony! Tie the two ends of the cord together at the base. I love to smudge my house ~ I’m a firm believer in smudging my house at least every 2-3 months to keep out the bad energy that might be brought or created in our home. Collect them before flowering. Fan the smoke to purify the space. Once its lit blow out the flame after a few seconds and allow it to smolder. In the oven, the herbs are placed on a baking sheet and must be turned and checked often. I know that when this happens, you get frustrated, but you can avoid this by respecting sage’s drying time! It's also a practical tactic, whether you grow your own or just buy it for your holiday cookery. Working with the Divine on a consistent basis After each smudging ceremony is conducted, the light and pure feeling you end up experiencing are amazing beyond words. If you still have a lot of stick after smudging your space, put out the burning tip with water or sand and put your smudge stick away to use on another day. And it’s very easy to do! Smudging a way to energetically cleanse a space to invite positive energy. You can either spread the leaves out on a ventilated surface, or tie them up and hang them for drying. The smoke is what does the clearing. The herbs have been for centuries seen in the Middle East, Once they are fully dry, your smudge sticks are ready to use. [Colors Explained], What to do With Sage Ashes or Stick after Smudging? item is brand new and was never owned by anyone else, it will have picked up According to ancient ways and traditions, they know that at plants that have sacred healing and cleansing essence. However, it is very easy to recognize when the dry herbs are ready. As long as you are consistent with conducting smudging Purchasing a new By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies. ... they should be stamped out immediately. Since sage leaves are larger, using a colander is an easy way to rinse the herbs. A more expensive smudge bundle or sage bundle might even include a smudge bowl. It’s like the kryptonite of negativity! The essence of these herbs goes beyond the obvious use of these plants and vibrates deeper than its physical benefits and constituents. But how do you dry out sage for smudging? In both cases, the concept is to facilitate the passage of air, which serves to take away the moisture and dry the leaves, just like hanging clothes. Find us on: What Kind of Feather is Used for Smudging? Some people like to use a feather to fan the smoke. If you can only place it outside, just remember to bring it inside or cover it at night so it doesn't get any dew on it. What kind of sage is used for smudging? Versatile and effective, it’s suitable for most any smudging ritual—cleansing, healing, protection, meditation, and so on. This smoke is also thought to remove unwanted influences and negative emotions. Sage smudging the body is similar to sage smudging a home or a workspace. White Sage grows wild across the American Southwest in bushy clumps. After a smudging session has been done, the place or the individual And if not conscious of this energy, it can leave you feeling drained, anxious and just completely out of character. What Is Smudging? Angelica – Angelica archangelica. If you want to tie the leaves, use a string or piece of floss to tie some branches together. From the feng shui point of view, it’s helpful to clear your spaces on a regular basis. Today, smudging has come into popular use in various spiritual circles. which will keep your intuition strong and will help you stay on the right path. [A Quick Guide], A few tricks to better dry out sage for smudging. Drying out sage for smudging is a foundational part of our smudging cleansing ritual. Considered the king if all sages. I love to smudge my house ~ I’m a firm believer in smudging my house at least every 2-3 months to keep out the bad energy that might be brought or created in our home. A smudge stick, or sage stick, is a bundle of dried herbs that are burned as part of a cleansing ritual. "Don't use water to extinguish the hot embers—it will ruin the tip of the stick and make it harder to light next time. It is one of the most used medicinal plants in the world of natural medicine since it maintains all kinds of benefits and no contraindications. Store dried sage in a cool, airtight container. A few tricks to better dry out sage for smudging. There are also those who dry herbs using the microwave oven, but I’m not going to tell you how to do it because I don’t recommend the method. Smudging is a ceremony conducted that involves I washed the flowers and then spread them out on a pad to start drying. Now that you have your team assembled, you are ready to smudge! [History Explained], How to Light Sage for Smudging? Ask them for assistance in clearing negative energy and bringing in positive energy. Then, pat them dry with a cloth or paper napkin. Rather, the spirit within the sage knows how much negativity needs to be cleared and will burn accordingly. ... directly inhaling it can cause the lungs to dry out and irritate the mucosa. How To Sage (Smudge) Your Home, Office, And Yourself (Step-By-Step) Light the thick end of the sage and blow out the fire once it produces smoke. make sure you are properly prepped for the smudging ceremony. And by the end of this blog post, you will have everything you need to know on how to burn sage and do your own smudging ritual! Hang each bundle in a dry, dust free space. Towards your ears, so you can hear the good. If, on the other hand, you only collected the leaves, they must be placed on a grate or a tightly meshed net. I use my hand and it works just fine. Wrap a small paper bag around each bundle and poke holes and slits in it for ventilation. Doing a regular sage smudge of your house can not only keep the evil spirits out but all the bad energy left behind. Thus, one powerful way to do so is by burning sage, also known as the tradition of smudging. Therefore, I would highly recommend doing some extra research and choose to purchase sage that is ethically sourced. Cedar is also another and is a powerful cleansing herb. at peace and improve your connection to your soul and your inner self. Use white cotton as this color can recall the energy of the cleansing action you want it to perform and manifest for you. In its cultivation cycle, sage has a moment in which the concentration of active ingredients is higher; generally, this is the period before flowering. Start in one corner of the room and move the smoke up and down. The most popular and well-known smudging herbs are white sage and palo santo. You may want to smudge away toxic thoughts or feelings and keep yourself free of negativity. Fold in any stray sprigs, tucking them under the string as you go. I mostly honor this rule. They then burn the sage, followed by a braid of sweetgrass. The best way to dry it is to gather it together in a bundle, tie it together, and hang it in your garage or another place so it will dry evenly. White sage works well for smudging because it burns slowly and creates steady smoke, which is necessary for the ceremony. It should easily crumble to the touch. Best Smudging … Set the smudge stick to dry in a basket or on a drying screen for 7-10 days (or as long as necessary). Its main purpose, according to indigenous tradition, is healing, blessing and cleaning the energy in a space. If the right conditions are created, it is possible to dry cleansing herbs without difficulty, preserving their energy and magickal properties. smudge as well such as bringing home a new baby or a new pet. In addition, negative energy can be absorbed. So, before we get into how to burn sage (or other smudging herbs), the first thing to do is preparation. Then, decide on a mantra or prayer to … Remove animals or people from the room. In fact, when I smudge I like to let the sage smoke go up into the corners of my home. 02 of 06. In other words – performing a little Smudging This part is as important as the smudging phase! It is impossible to give standard drying times: the humidity of the air, the type of herb, and the climate are variables that greatly change the times. Leave the stick in a dry, dark place until it’s ready. If you want to tie the leaves, use a string or piece of floss to tie some branches together. When mixed with other herbs, it makes a wonderful base for a custom smudging blend. After the herbs are dry, light up the smudge stick and blow the fire just as you would do with an incense. Making a sage bundle (also referred to as a smudge stick or smudge bundle) is fun, simple, and can be a beautiful ritual in itself. This is why the negative energy should be cleared regularly. The oven door must be left slightly open to allow the water vapor to escape. Take burning smudge stick, and immerse yourself into the smoke. The practice of smudging involves the burning of a sage bundle (sage is a type of herb and bundles of dried sage leaves are often sold in new age or spiritual shops for the purpose of cleansing) or sage scented incense. Start by thanking the Universe, Source, God (whomever you would like to address). With the long end of the string, begin to wrap the bundle tightly, spiraling up towards the top of the bundle. Making the smudge … You’re looking for a steady smolder, not a wildfire, here. eyes, so you can see the good. The drawback of air drying is that the times are long and variable according to the climate. When it comes to sage smudging there is a general rule that once the sage is lit, you don’t want to put it out. When smudging a space, you burn plant material. Additionally, you will not be distracted in any way as a result of unknown and Doing a regular sage smudge of your house can not only keep the evil spirits out but all the bad energy left behind. How To Sage (Smudge) Your Home, Office, And Yourself (Step-By-Step) Light the thick end of the sage and blow out the fire once it produces smoke. First, gather and dry your white sage. The best known ceremonial smudge plant is sage. You can also grow your own sage and dry it for burning. Of course sage is the primary herb used and some sage sticks might only contain sage. A lot of new-agey people seem drawn to sage pots and abalone shells for some reason, so you'll often find them for sale next to the smudge sticks. Some native smudging traditions advise you not to blow the smoke away, as that symbolizes blowing away your spirit. Light up some candles and then begin to evenly light up your smudge stick. anything else important to you, your space will be filled with good energy. Sage, like all other cleansing herbs, lasts only a few days after harvest and these kinds of plants then lose their fresh energy and their properties; if they are dried, however, they can be stored for a long time and so it is very useful to learn how to do it. Before burning sage, some recommend setting intentions if smudging for spiritual, energetic, and negativity clearing purposes. Smudging: How to Burn Sage to Clear Negative Energy, Top 10 Best Crystals for Anxiety And Stress Relief, Full Moon Ritual: Guide to Moon Rituals (Part 1), the negative energy should be cleared regularly, How To Use Healing Crystals: Guide to Crystal Self-Care, The Law of Attraction: Ultimate Guide for Beginners, A fireproof container, such as a bowl made of clay or an Abalone Shell, Smudge sticks (most commonly, white sage or other smudging herbs). The real reason I made smudge sticks was because we had sage growing out our ears! Once you have your smudge stick ready and the other items you need for doing a smudging ceremony, you are going to now need to know exactly how to burn sage (or other smudging herb)! Or place the lit end under running water for a few seconds, then lay it somewhere the herbs can breathe and dry out thoroughly. Additionally, smudging can leave you with a cleared space to better connect with your higher self. There are many different plant materials you can use for smudging. What is a Smudge Stick? We use cookies to give you the best experience, as detailed in our privacy policy. Just make sure to blow out the flame once the bundle starts smoking. Dry them at a low setting, usually 95 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on your dehydrator. You can store them whole or crush them down, discarding the stems. Some native smudging traditions advise you not to blow the smoke away, as that symbolizes blowing away your spirit. If you pick the herbs by cutting twigs, you can tie them together, making bunches to hang upside down. Let The Smoldering Sage Burn Out On It's Own. Magickal Spot is a witchcraft site dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances. Its leaves are big and sturdy and easy to work with, for one thing, and it keeps its flavor better than a lot of other herbs. If you feel like your home or office has negative or stagnant energy, sage is what you’ll want to burn. Then, pat them dry with a cloth or paper napkin. Allow the ashes in the bowl to cool off and once they are, bring them outside to be placed back into the earth. When your energy is clear, you can feel more Step 2: Pre-Dry. Start in one corner of the room and move the smoke up and down. We’re made of it. Once dry, place them on a sheet of parchment paper (or on a tea towel) to let them rest away from light in a ventilated place. I use my hand and it works just fine. Feel free to share this article on Pinterest! Enjoy. Due to its speed, this method is suitable for those who do not have much time, but it is certainly not the best in terms of quality. Refers to its high oil content each smudging ceremony rituals such as your setting! My hand and it works just fine lot but are usually quite short ; the by! You 're smudging loose sage today, smudging herbs ), the first to. 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