5. If a player plays with a different number during the tournament, both the player and team manager will be ejected from the game. In an effort to keep games on time and to conserve pitching, no extra innings are played during pool play. B. The only exception is if a player must change jerseys due to blood on the original jersey. If a team bats entire roster or has no subs when a starter is injured, an out is recorded each time the injured player’s spot comes up to bat. Rules Base paths will be set at 90 feet and the pitching distance is 60 feet. To coordinate the … All assistant coaches must be listed on your team’s online roster on www.usssa.com. Top Composite 2020 USSSA Bats 2020 Easton ADV 360 -10 USSSA Baseball Bat (SL20ADV108) A Ghost no more, the Easton USSSA composite bats are flying under a new moniker: The ADV 360. MiscellaneousThe Home team will be determined by a coin flip and occupy the 3rd base dugout. Give your-self up4. One pitch in one inning equals an inning pitched. All bats must follow USSSA guidelines for differentials between bat length and weight. 8U Division may not lead off or steal home. Warm up is permitted in foul territory only! To protest a game, the umpire must be informed that the game is being played under protest. So as to ideally make the way toward choosing another bat somewhat simpler for you, we have assembled a rundown of the best softball bats for 2020 dependent on the plan, swing weight, and fly off each bat. Once a player is removed from a game due to injury, he may not return. Bat Digest, My grandson plays USSSA And because of your reviews and no-nonsense information, he’s become an excellent ball player. This USSSA rule will not be effective immediately, but will go in place to begin the 2020 calendar year. Starters may re-enter only one time only in their original spot on the line-up. All 14u events and all teams in the 14u event must use a maximum drop 5 (-5) bat with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark Permanently stamped. Umpires show leniency on balks in 9U and below. The USSSA sanctions, creates, and promotes a variety of sports including softball, baseball, and basketball. Schedules may be changed, games may be shortened and a two day tournament may become a one day tournament. Once the protest has been made, you must get a ruling from a Tournament Director immediately. All legal bats must follow the above description and also MUST follow the size and/or weight differential listed in the chart below. Game Guarantee: 3 Games. Runners from 3rd base may only advance on a hit ball or when forced-in by a walk. If he chooses the penalty then the batter is out, bat removed and all runners return to the base legally occupied at the time of the pitch. Runners may steal after the ball crosses home plate. Now, If you play 14U and below, your bat MUST have the newest USSSA mark. FORCE PLAY SLIDE RULE: A runner may slide in any direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or alteringthe play of the fielder. The courtesy runner must be a player not currently in the game or if the team has no players on bench, the last out. Length of Game Game clock starts at the completion of the plate meeting - not first pitch. We prefer to use -3 BBCOR bats or wood bats at this age in our tournaments, but if we have teams that are looking to utilize a -5 bat, we will have a -5 bracket for those teams and they will not cross paths that weekend with the teams using a -3 bat. One pitch in one inning equals an inning pitched. Go around the defensive player3. 13U, 14U: 7 innings in a day, 8 in the tournament. Check out the USSSA site here for additional bat rule info. The tournament director also has the right to alter the amount of the credits issued. Teams are required to have non-duplicating numbers on their jerseys at least 4 inches in size. BASEBALL NATION USSSA PLAYING RULES ... 7.01.J Bat / ball boys / girls under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be permitted. Our reviews include independent hitter’s feedback as well as objective barrel size, exit speed and swing weight measurements.. We have hit with every 2019 USA Bat (and 2018 for that matter). In the event of tournament being cancelled by weather or any other unpreventable occurrence, every effort will be made to complete the tournament. As we hit with every bat between 2015 and 2020 over the last 5 years we have a decent feel for what that type of player prefers. Please note that USSSA Baseball Tournaments and Gameday USA have decided not to follow the new USA bat rules for 2020 as well. The runner is out, interference is calledand the batter/runner is also called out.COLLISSION RULE HOME PLATE: If a defensive player has the ball in hand ready to make a tag, the offensive playermust apply one of the following:1. Tournament Format: Each team will play 2 pool play games, followed by bracket play. Each team may provide a scorekeeper but all changes must go through the home plate umpire, who is the official scorekeeper. Pinterest. Courtesy runners will be allowed for the pitcher or catcher at any time. The Home team will be determined by a coin flip and occupy the 3rd base dugout. No more than three (3) coaches will be allowed in the dugout during USSSA games. A. Catchers must wear full catchers gear (Mask, Chest Protector and Shin Guards) No Exceptions. This rule applies no matter where the USSSA tournament is located in Southern California. (example, a 12u game scheduled for 6 innings will be scored 6-0 for the winning team). Bat Regulations . The tournament director also has the right to alter the amount of the credits issued. USSSA reserves the right to modify the length of games due to issues involving limited visibility or park curfew. Winner of coin flip has option to choose visitors. Big barrel bats are bats that have a barrel diameter larger than 2 ¼ inches, but no more than 2 ¾ inches. Divisions are based upon a player’s age as of the 2020 League age(April 30th, 2019. 1st. 08U: Play 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes09U – 12U: Play 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes13U & up: Play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours. Listed below are bat specifications for 9-11 year old teams participating in any MYAS/Gopher State baseball programs in 2020. 2020 USA Bat Reviews. Best 2020 USSSA Baseball Bats. In the playoffs, the higher seeded team will be the Home team for duration of tournament. However, if the home team is ahead and batting when time expires, the game is over and the inning is not completed. 2019 Season Rule Change 9-14U Teams may bat a nine (9) player line-up, or a nine (9) player line-up with a Designated Hitter (DH), or a ten (10) player line-up with an Extra Hitter (EH), or a 10 player line-up up with a DH and EH, or a continuous line-up of all present, eligible, uniformed players. Home » Baseball Bat » Best Baseball Bats For 10 Year Old Kids | 10u Baseball Bats in 2020 Baseball is one of the most popular games throughout the world at this time. Copyright © 2007–2020 USSSA Baseball. RULE 1.00 – NAME & OBJECTIVE 1.01 This organization shall be known as USSSA Baseball. (If there are duplicating numbers designate the players as "A" & B") example 3A & 3B. Their weight can also not exceed 31oz. ** Until then -5 is ok for AA only. Violation of pitching restrictions will result in the automatic ejection of the offending Manager. Every effort will be made to finish the tournament but in cases of rain, darkness or other acts of God, the tournament director reserves the right to shorten games or modify schedules in order to finish the event. Starting January 1, 2020, our 13U division will have a new bat limit. This will only apply to 13U events and teams playing in 13U events. Unless you prefer a heavier bat, and then BBCOR Certified bats are also OK. Slow Pitch bats certified under the new standards will have an initial retail launch on June 1, 2020. Get it today! The umpire/s will keep the official clock. Players age is determined by how old they will be on April 30, 2021. Verbal abuse of the umpire will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the game. In the event of a rain out with no make-up tournament scheduled, we will offer all teams a credit based on the following criteria:A full rain out, meaning no games were played, a credit will be issued for the entire entry fee. ALB, LLC, USSSA Travel Baseball. A pitcher who steps toward first or third must throw to that base. Rule 7.01.C Penalty: (First Offense) –If the Umpire discovers that a bat does not conform to USSSA Rule 7.01.C until a time during or after which the bat has been used in play, it shall not be grounds for declaring the batter out and/or ejection from the game. This Spring has been unique with baseball’s start getting postponed. The EH is considered a defensive player and may switch in and out defensively. We prefer to use -3 BBCOR bats or wood bats at this age in our tournaments, but if we have teams that are looking to utilize a -5 bat, we will have a -5 bracket for those teams and they will not cross paths that weekend with the teams using a -3 bat. Right handed pitchers may not fake a pickoff attempt to third base. USSSA will sanction over 300 NIT Tournaments in 2021. 9U-10U: Pitchers will be allowed some leniency in regards to balks. Effective January 1 st 2020, all 13U events and all teams in 13u events must use a maximum drop 8 (-8) bat with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark permanently stamped. Hitting2019 Season Rule Change 9-14UTeams may bat a nine (9) player line-up, or a nine (9) player line-up with a Designated Hitter(DH), or a ten (10) player line-up with an Extra Hitter (EH), or a 10 player line-up up with aDH and EH, or a continuous line-up of all present, eligible, uniformed players. They just have to be made by an approved USSSA bat licensee. KC Sports Memorial Day Super NIT Enter and Pay before January 1st … You may use a hand written roster if you can not add players to your Online Roster. The 2020 season runs from Aug. 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020. Teams may also bat their entire roster. This is a balk. Requirements for a Mercy rule are as follows: If one game was played, a team will receive credit for ½ of the entry fee. A courtesy runner may only run one time per inning. The big thing to note is that Easton has introduced a new composite material that is going to flip the baseball bat … There is a drop down menu to add them. All conversations with an umpire should be conducted after a time-out has been called and be handled in a calm and professional manner. Top 10 Usssa Baseball Bats of 2020. If AA is mixedwith Majors and/or AAA they (AA only) may swing a -5 until Jan. See USSSA rule below. Once a pitcher is removed from the mound, he may not pitch again in that game. Note: the 8u-12u bat rules are the same as last year. Ripken Baseball has not made changes to our bat rules for the 2020 season. Tournament Pitching Restrictions: Team Pitching Log Verify your teams pitching after each game, the recorded pitching records on the score cards are official. Protest will be decided by the Tournament Director, not a site director. (No extra innings for a three, four or five day tournament. A pitcher may not pitch in three consecutive days regardless of how innings pitch each day. The tournament director has the right to alter schedules, adjust time limits, or adjust the number of playoff participants in order to complete the tournament. 2021 Season is From August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021. Schedules may be changed, games may be shortened and a two day tournament may become a one day tournament. Best Bat for 10 Year Old. Starting January 1, 2020, our 13U division will have a new bat limit. Do not continue the game under any circumstances. December 23, 2020. To intentionally walk a batter, a coach simply needs to inform the umpire and point to first base. USSSA Baseball National By-laws & Rules and the usssabaseball.org online version, the usssabaseball.org online version shall govern. A maximum of drop 8 (-8) will be the new bat restriction for the 13U age group. We prefer to use -3 BBCOR bats or wood bats at this age in our tournaments, but if we have teams that are looking to utilize a -5 bat, we will have a -5 bracket for those teams and they will not cross paths that weekend with the teams using a -3 bat. Schedules may be changed, games may be shortened and a two day tournament may become a one day tournament. 08U: Play 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes, 09U – 12U: Play 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes, 13U & up: Play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours. MCBR Travel League. The number they wear in the first game of the tournament shall be their number for the remainder of the tournament. Length of Game Game clock starts at the completion of the plate meeting - not first pitch. Any youth USSSA/BPF bat and any youth USA Bat of any size barrel can be used. In the playoffs, the higher seeded team will be the Home team for duration of tournament. A pitcher may not pitch in three consecuive days regardless of how innings pitch each day. Bat Regulations: USSSA Stamp, Wood and USA Bat Stamp Acceptable in 7U-13U 14U Majors & AAA must swing BBCOR or Wood **14U AA starting January 1st, 2020 must swing BBCOR or Wood. (Throwing one pitch in an inning , equals an inning pitched) A player that pitches more then 3 innings in one day must rest one day. These time limits will be applied to all pool play and non-gold division championships games. A player that pitches more then 3 innings in one day must rest one day. Any player ejected from a game is subject to a one game suspension at the tournament director’s discretion. 2020 Season is From August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020. The cost of South Carolina USSSA 8U tournaments are $300 ($200 in the event of a one-day tournament). This specification is in addition to the USSSA at Performance Standards. Any team knowingly using an illegal player shall be subject to discipline including but not limited to: forfeiting a game, ejection from tournament and/or suspension from all USSSA sanctioned leagues and tournaments for a one year period. 9u (Open/AA) - 46' mound, 65' bases. 3. In the event a team cannot make it’s scheduled time the tournament director will first attempt to condense the schedule. Big barrel bats are bats that have a barrel diameter larger than 2 ¼ inches, but no more than 2 ¾ inches. Games will end either at end of scheduled innings or when time expires. (Note: The DH canbe used for any position player. Winner of coin flip has option to choose visitors. ** Until then -5 is ok for AA only. If contactis made on either side of the bag or behind the bag, the ball is immediately dead. Players may play up in age but may not play down. Pitching Distances for all USSSA baseball tournaments are as follows:7U – 8U: 42 foot mound, 60 foot bases9U: 46 foot mound, 65 foot bases10U: 46 feet mound 65 foot bases,11U – 12U: 50 foot mound 70 foot bases13U: 54 foot mound 80 foot bases (Some 14Us will play 54×80)14U & up – 60.6 foot. The infield fly rule is in effect. Once the next pitch is thrown, both teams have lost the right to protest. Licensed Equipment - New Bat Rules. Hand Written RosterPrint your roster and turn it in to the site director prior to your first game. Proper Slide going into the base2. To coordinate the … We will make every attempt to put no time limit on Gold division championship games. Mechanical noise makers are not allowed at USSSA Southern California events. Bunting is allowed. Any manager caught continuing to coach after being ejected or suspended will be suspended for an additional period of time. A pitcher may not pitch in three consecuive days regardless of how innings pitch each day. To determine a player’s League Age, use USSSA’s age calculator. )Teams may elect to bat 9 players AND/OR bat 10 players with the 10th player being an EH. The NCAA recently conducted additional testing of the previously-certified 33 in./30 oz. Rosters:Verify that your rosters are online at USSSA.com and up to date. Feb.2018) Age Qualifications The 10U League is open to boys or girls who are 910 years of age as of January 1st of the current registration year. Illegal Bat PenaltiesIf an illegal bat is discovered after a fair batted ball and before the next pitch legal/illegal or play, the offended coach has the option of selecting the outcome of the play or the penalty. See USSSA rule below. Managers are responsible for the conduct of his players and fans at all times. (Second Offense)–If a team is found in violation of this rule a second time, then the manager shall be ejected in addition to the First Offense penalty. In 2021 there will also be Super and Select Super NIT’s. All non-wood bats must have a certification of 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor) or less. In addition, no one other than official team coaches and players are allowed in the dugout at any time. The following is a statement released by USSSA Baseball: “13U Bat Standard Changes Starting January 1, 2020, our 13U division will have a new bat limit. Each standard comes in several barrel sizes. **Starting January 1st, 2020 13U MAJ, AAA & AA must swing -8, -5, USA, BBCOR or Wood. In the event of tournament being cancelled by weather or any other unpreventable occurrence, every effort will be made to complete the tournament. USSSA Baseball Bat Standards Updated 8/15/17; Licensed Baseball Manufacturers (Bat & Ball) - UPDATED 2/19/2018; Baseball Bat Marks 8/15/17; Withdrawn/Non-Compliant Bats List - REVISED 4/6/17; Important USSSA Baseball & Softball Announcements - January 2013 ; Licensed Equipment - Bat & Ball Rules ADDED 12/18/11; Rules and Legal Information. Official pitching logs will be available at the tournament site after each round of games. To determine a player’s League Age, use. USSSA believes the overall development of all players can be enhanced by the experience and fun of national tournament play. Schedules are not final until 12pm the day before the tournament start date. For players 14u and older, the bat must have a BBCOR or USA Baseball designation and may not exceed -3. Intentionally running into a fielder who is in possession of the ball is grounds for ejection. Pool Play Standing will be sorted on the following. Any manager or coach ejected from the game is required to sit out the next game also. Home plate is dead. Tuesday 12.29.2020. If time expires in a tie game during pool play, the game is recorded as a tie game. In the event of tournament being cancelled by weather or any other unpreventable occurrence, every effort will be made to complete the tournament. 2020 NOBF Rules 5 3. Base paths will be set at 90 feet and the pitching distance is 60 feet. The umpire/s will keep the official clock. Teams can now purchase team insurance for the 2021 season that will give the team coverage for the entire season. Effective January 1st 2020, all 13U events and all teams in 13u events must use a maximum drop 8 (-8) bat with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark permanently stamped. As a general rule, we think the best bat for a 10U needs to be light, affordable and easy on the hands. Twitter. Each team may provide a scorekeeper but all changes must go through the home plate umpire, who is the official scorekeeper. Learn More. In the event a team cannot make it’s scheduled time the tournament director will first attempt to condense the schedule. According to player and coaches demand, we figured out 10 best bats worldwide with their absolute and authentic sizes. If you’re swinging a big barrel bat this season, it’s important to be aware of the newest USSSA requirements. The tournament director has the right to alter schedules, adjust time limits, or adjust the number of playoff participants in order to complete the tournament. As we hit with every bat between 2015 and 2020 over the last 5 years we have a decent feel for what that type of player prefers. Until now the majority of players were denied this opportunity because of their skill level. Head to Head (only used when two teams are tied, with three or more tied, the next tie breaker is used) 3. Rank Product Name Score; 1: Louisville Slugger 2021 SL Meta (-10) USSSA Baseball Bat – 30″ Louisville Slugger: 9.5: GET ON AMAZON: 2: Easton Beast Speed -10 (2 3/4″) USSSA Senior League Baseball Bat | 30 inch / 20 oz | 2019 | 1 Piece Aluminum | ATAC Alloy | Speed End Cap | … These time limits will be applied to all pool play and non-gold division championships games. 15U & up: no pitching restrictions. Louisville Slugger 2020 Meta (-3) BBCOR baseball bat. Best Bat for 10 Year Old. If the Umpire discovers that a bat has been used to put a ball in play and before the next legal pitch, the defensive team shall have the choice of the result of play or the batter being called out and all runners returning to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. WhatsApp. Facebook. Players not listed on your roster are ineligible to play in the tournament. Official USSSA Baseball National By-Laws and Rules. Any team knowingly using an illegal player shall be subject to discipline including but not limited to: forfeiting a game, ejection from tournament and/or suspension from all USSSA sanctioned leagues and tournaments for a one year period. A player that pitches more then 3 innings in one day must rest one day. Bats with the 2012 USSSA stamp will be grandfathered Indefinitely (Previously until July, 1 2021). Managers are subject to ejection if his players or fans are out of control. Facebook. All 14u events and all teams in the 14u event must use a maximum drop 5 (-5) bat with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark Permanently stamped. Google+. Every 2019 USA Bat is released and been reviewed on this site. Rule 1.10. Review the official bat rules from the Little League Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for all divisions of Little League Baseball, Little League Softball, and the Little League Challenger Divisions.. Google+. The conclusion of this additional testing resulted in the NCAA and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) removing this specific model from their approved-for-play bat list. Now, If you play 14U and below, your bat MUST have the newest USSSA mark. Bat Regulations:USSSA Stamp, Wood and USA Bat Stamp Acceptable in 7U-13U14U Majors & AAA must swing BBCOR or Wood**14U AA starting January 1st, 2020 must swing BBCOR or Wood. The following is a statement released by USSSA Baseball: “13U Bat Standard Changes Starting January 1, 2020, our 13U division will have a new bat limit. The ball should weigh not less than 5 or more than 5 1/4 ounces & measure not less than 9 or more than 9 1/4 inches in circumference. All Rights Reserved. Grand Park Sports Campus: 711 E 191st St, Westfield, IN 46074 Click Here for Rules and Bat Restrictions The event is for the following ages: 8u - 60' bases, coach pitch. Coverage for the pitcher or catcher at any time may become a one day must rest one day before... Be suspended for an additional period of time 10U needs to be light, affordable and easy on following1! Are required to have non-duplicating numbers on their jerseys at least 4 inches in size the they! On families bracket play not fake a pickoff attempt to third base.The ball is immediately dead age calculator the year! Time limits will be the new bat limit must use BBCOR -3 and players are permitted to toward! 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