Not relief, and naturally not ridicule, put a name to it and it’d have to be nostalgia. Yer back’s slouched! With her chin set on her knees, Emilia tilts her head as she looks at Subaru. Emilia: You won’t keep your promises. Stop runnin’ yer mouth like yer know shit! Thus, he decides to help this girl with recovering her stolen insignia she is looking for. Because no matter what, I’m going to overcome the trial. His thoughts solder. Any questions or other discussion posts using this tag will be removed, so resubmit with the [Discussion] tag if this is the case. Perhaps having noticed that while he was speaking, and now watching Subaru as he takes deep breath after deep breath, Emilia presents a new question. I’ll force you into absolute surrender, and teach you. Subaru: You rejected Frederica who left for the outside, you bound yourself with the duty to protect sanctuary, and you’re interfering with people who challenge the trial while they attempt. …You were a damn kid, you weren’t even fully grown yet. Subaru: But why the hell did he go off doing… couldn’tve been, I mean he said he managed to get Ram’s help, did she wind up putting some weird ideas in his head? They hold their stomach, their movements faltering, their visage atrocious. The long lashes bordering her eyes tremble, Subaru’s statement robbing Emilia of her awareness. He ricochets off the earth, the hard ground beating his body before he comes to lie spread-out on the floor. Every inch of this man defined the word fraudulent. You won’t tell me why you break them, either. This continues the story after the end of the First Season of the Anime. Emilia gazes at him as he does, her lips quivering multiple times, and with some hesitation. Which Subaru and Puck had showered upon her. He stomps off the earth, goes flying for Subaru. Emilia sobs as she presses in closer, Subaru equally jabbing his face in nearer as he yells. But, even said, supposing that Otto is dead, it’s just pointless. To her, Subaru states merely one, single thing. It’d be one thing if saying that made it possible for you to clear it, but if the outcome’s the same, all it amounts to is talk. Subaru faced his biggest regret, and procured a single answer as well as a goodbye. But, perhaps for the first time ever, Subaru consciously ignores Emilia and jabs his finger at Garfiel. N’ now yer lost yer friends, can’t help that yer gonna be sad. Subaru: Fucker, don’t goddamn go off giving up on yourself. Subaru: Emilia-tan, I figured you were here half off of trust, half off of hoping for it. All rights belong to Tappei Nagatsuki, the Original author of the Re : Zero series. Blood spews from Subaru’s mouth as Garfiel kicks his tumbling form skyward, then drives his elbow into his suspended frame to shunt him back to the ground. This ain’t a thing ‘f me bein’ able er not able t’kill you. No greater juncture existed for him to show off his talents than when pissing people off. —These questions had always, always chorused eternally inside his heart. I’m not letting you destroy the tomb. Emilia: I can’t trust anything you say anymore! … —Are you seriously still running from your past with your family? And of course I know not everything about you is good. But what about you! Subaru is broken by the loss of Rem. But the feeling had laid its roots in him, grown inside him over a long span of time, and bloomed into a single answer. Subaru’s a liar. Garfiel puts his claws to the fallen Subaru’s neck as he bares his fangs at Emilia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He tilts his head in the barest minimum, evading the fist without sustaining even a graze. If you want me to be happy, if you’re thinking like that for me…. The concept that you could overcome your past, your regrets, was utter bullshit. Reply. To tell her it’s no big deal, and blast her worries away. If you wish to check out the Web Novel version of Arcs 1-3, then check out SNUTranslation who is currently working on them! Subaru: You’re just half measures about everything, Garfiel. Overwhelmed by her uncanniness, Subaru finally realises that he made a decisive error when choosing his words. Their points gouge into his flesh, Subaru wailing quietly at the burning pain. Garfiel: Fuckin’! Never doing it again. Emilia looks up at Subaru. spoiler. Though at least they had enough guts to stab me. Hey there . Since then, the author has used it as a draft for the upcoming light novels and releases chapters occasionally whenever he has time to continue it. Web Novel Chapters 1-12. 46 ReZero Starting Life in Another World - WN Arc 04 Chapter 024-051 (Summary) [anon].pdf. The intensity of their argument could practically slap the tomb’s sleeper awake, the two breathing raggedly as they commence their fruitless quarrel. Disappear. Subaru’s gab is in perfect form. A scream, and to great heights, the blood spatters. I took my grandmother travelling for a bit, and it was the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Another strike. 48. But Subaru purposefully pays the strangeness no heed, instead shaking his head. What is it you’re scared of! If this is actually a translation release, then you can ignore this message. Don’t think it’s a perfect match for your spineless, girly self? In rage, in sorrow, in vestiges of fury, the flame still blazing even now. Subaru: But, Emilia will challenge it. And the way to stop him is surely, the exact way the man had previously stated. You pulled a ton of crap, and there’s still no signs of improvement. of course we’d impede her from living in the outside world! But even pitted against that sentiment, there is something he said which Garfiel must not overlook. Seeing him attempt to dodge questions this late, Emilia gives a long sigh. Bright sunlight greets the two as they step out of the darkness. And so. They worked their brains comin’ up with plans, compensatin’ for where they lacked by usin’ their smarts… those two had th’guts enough for me t’acknowledge them. Say you somehow manage t’beat my amazin’ self, do yer really think that half-witch can beat the trial! All I’m ever thinking about is how to look cool around you! Subaru trembled under Sirius’s mesmerized gaze and her shuddering, glowing breaths. Garfiel falls silent as Subaru jerks his chin toward Emilia, who stands beside him. Frederica left sanctuary so that she could create a place to receive the people from here, for when the barrier is eventually broken. He had proved them continuously. Garfiel’s nigh bloody scream, his resolve, his determination. The gleam in his bloodshot pupils compounds in ferocity. Kūhaku/くうはく/Aaron says: February 13, 2019 at 3:40 am. The first three arcs were covered by the first season of the anime; however the anime adapted the Light Novel version, which in turn was adapted from the Web Novel version.