At the same time, we must also understand that the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam was not only a Prophet for the rich, but also a Prophet for the poor. 0 shares. In the time of Nabi Moosa Alayhis Salaam, magic played an important role in people’s life. The Sunnah is what the Prophet did, said and all of his acts and attitude. The message of the Qur’an is that this religion “is a Divine Favour” on people. Thus, the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. Encouragement to use the siwaak as part of the Sunnah is mentioned in many hadeeths, and the effect of using the siwaak is described as purifying the mouth, cleansing it of dirt, making it smell good, and preventing disease. Those animals which have been prohibited in Islam are also animals which carry dangerous diseases for humans. Once, Hadrat Sayyiduna Huzayfah bin Yamaan Radi Allahu ‘Anhu visited a certain region in Iran as a representative of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam. Those who accept every Hadith Shareef and practise upon every Sunnah, they are called the “Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaah.”. By 1one4 Team On Apr 24, 2018 Worship Health & Fitness 6943 Views. There are great rewards for reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). Fruits provide nourishment as well as refreshing taste. He said: ‘If … He said that high fever is like fire and fire is extinguished by water. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. To know about the benefits and virtues of the five daily prayers, consider reading our dedicated article on the topic. His elbows remain above the ground. However, if you wish to continue drinking, then you should continue in the manner as explained by Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam. Food filled with Blessings and Benefits of Sunnah. Tahajud prayer is carried out in the last third of the night that is when other humans sleep in silence. Fasting brings to Closer to Allah. We have no idea which action of ours will be accepted in the Divine Court of Allah azza wajal and through this single action, we will receive salvation in the Hereafter. When it was questioned as to how they kept themselves clean, they answered that after releasing themselves, they used both mud and water to clean themselves. Muhammad (PBUH) – So Simple Yet So Special, A Short Biography of Hazrat Aisha (RA) – The Mother of the Believers, Importance of Offering Salah in its Time- The Second Pillar of Islam, Importance of Learning 99 Names of Allah-Asmaul Husna, Shirk in Islam According to Quran & Hadith- Types of Shirk, The Purpose & Importance of 5 Pillars of Islam with Benefits, Importance & Blessings of Tahajjud Prayer. This is that Qur’an which has stories of people who lived in the past, it has laws, Knowledge of the Unseen and many other interesting points. This clearly proves that Islam is a religion which is not man-made but a religion which has been Divinely sent. Hence, despite not everyone can act in accordance with the whole Sunnah, but everybody can have the intention of acting in accordance with the Sunnah and be in favor of the Sunnah. As for those who call themselves Ahle Hadith, we like to see them practise upon every Hadith. In reality, if we carefully look at Islam, we will have to conclude that the modern world is still steeped in the dark-age while Islam is the only modern way of life possible. I heard Jabir bin Samurah being asked about the grey hairs of the Prophet . He concluded that this is exactly how the digestion system was created. In the old days, people used to treat high fever with simply water. We fill our stomachs, yet forget the Sunnah of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam has even advised us not to rush forward for Salaah insisting that we should maintain our dignity and status. 70 (The First Major Worldly Trial and Fitnah), Riyadus Saliheen – Hadeeth No. There is no doubt that following the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam is the ultimate path of salvation. His toes need to point straight. Once a certain King from Afghanistan visited Pakistan. Being physically active has many religious and social benefits. One of the benefits of fasting is … However, he only realised the benefit of this when he attended medical college and examined the intestinal system of a human being. Yet, in spite of this, we spend huge amounts of money looking for expensive medication thinking that this is the “actual miracle.”. This makes a case for a discussion on the benefits of Fajr prayer, in the eyes of the Quran and Sunnah. Before this, they used to stand and eat and now some of them have become so “modern” that while they are walking, they are also eating. Prophet (ﷺ) never said that we should place the Qur'an in a high place without reading it. Let us give you an example of this. It proves two very important points: Sadly, instead of Muslims looking at these amazing examples given to us by the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam they look at non-Muslim experts for medical answers. It has also been seen that those females whose fingernails are shorter have lessor germs under their finger nails that those whose finger nails are long. When we read the Adhan for the new born, when we shave the head of the new born, when we perform the circumcision, the Haqeeqah, etc. This is the reason that the Qur’an commands us to obey Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam and to refrain from those things which he has prohibited. In the present time, many Muslims are more impressed by Science rather than actual Islamic teachings. Hadrat Sheikh Muhiyudeen states that, “I have managed to practise on the Sunnah of nearly all the Sunnah of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam except one and that is, if I had a daughter, I would have allowed her to marry a beloved friend of mine.” Such is the importance that the great Awliya placed on the performance of the Sunnah. It has great benefits for you. Yet, only recently, a German doctor has found that sand contains Ammonia which is a powerful method of removing germs from any item. Doctors recommend that a person must continuously go up and down to exercise various parts of his anatomy on a daily basis. His fingers need to be spread around his wrist in a certain manner. Islam has not forced you to drink this milk. Can such people please practise on this first and when they are finished they can find the time to insult others. The danger of stopping half way while urinating! Allah says: “And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Allah (SWT) has motivated His Messenger (PBUH) with two kinds of revelation: the Quran and the Sunnah. We also see that the Fard acts only become compulsory on a person when he or she becomes mature. For some, the Qur'an is held important and they neglect the Sunnah totally. If a person does not have a beard, he will be robbing himself the reward of putting oil in his beard, the reward of combing his beard, and the reward of passing his fingers through his beard. Most of the diseases caused in the present time is caused by excessive eating. Quotes e.g. That nation which forgets the behaviour and actions of their Prophet is a nation that will eventually destroy itself. Hadrat ‘Umar Radi Allahu ‘Anhu proved that his voice could travel hundreds of miles away and that he could also see hundreds of miles away. In the time of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam, Science played an important part in people’s lives and some of his teachings and advises left people speechless until the present day. When a person stands, he has to stand upright. Home remedies like natural fruits, herbs and spices, once used to treat ailments, have now been replaced by medicines that give instant relief. Smiling is a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Get Continuous Rewards After Passing Away: Things that Benefit the Dead. If we follow Sunnah of Muhammad (SAW) we can get many benefits by following Prophet’s Sunnah. He picked it up, cleaned it and then ate it. This is one of the greatest causes of medical illness because dirt which collects in this sensitive area gives rise to further medical risks. The Sunnah is the explanation of the Qur'an. The Sunnah refers to everything that is said, done or admitted by the Prophet (SAW). Vinegar, the Sunnah and Benefits September 3, 2015 February 3, 2017. We forget this and look elsewhere for our answers. This is the Sunnah, the following of which is obligatory, whose adherents have been praised, and whose abandoners have been rebuked. Recently in Lebanon, there was a sick patient who was in hospital for nearly three months. In other words, whatever he does outside or enacts physically outside, has an impact on him internally. Allah (SWT) has stressed the obligation of showing complete obedience and submission to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that is to follow Muhammad (SAW) Sunnah in many verses of Quran. This is the only religion which has advised its followers on personal hygiene. Once Hadrat Qiblah Syed Abul Barakaat Radi Allahu ‘Anhu saw a person eating with a spoon and asked him the reason for this. It is Islam which gave back to mankind its once forgotten respect and esteem. Amongst the thousands of bounties of our Creator, fruits and vegetables are one of them. In the present era, Muslims go out of the way in functions such as weddings, parties, etc. Fajr Prayer is Better than Sleep: It is admitted the fact that Fajr makes us punctual and active. This is the reason that in Jannah there will only be meat of birds available for people. If this is the status of a piece of cloth which had a connection with the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam imagine the state of that person who is connected to the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam as an Ummati? ( Log Out /  For every step of Sunnah, a Muslim has benefits of virtues along self-recreational bounties. This is only one of the reasons that the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam has been described as most merciful and most ardently concerned about his Ummah even more than our own parents! You will remain healthy and active, gain the blessings and mercy of the Allah. Those people or nations who do not perform circumcision are now beginning to realise the medical benefit of circumcision. This is one single benefit of eating with your fingers. If we examine the different number of rak’ah in each Salaah, that too will also make us understand the benefits of exercise. O Muslims! Shaikh Sa’di Alaihir Rahmah in the “Ghulistan” narrates a story that once a certain King sent a special physician to the blessed court of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam so that if any of his followers became sick, this physician would be able to treat them. The performance of Salaah in a very lazy manner has been compared to the Salaah of a hypocrite. Only recently it was found that Adhan given when a child is born is able to create firmness of joints and mental strength. Believers are encouraged to act in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. However, as per the Sunnah of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam, I tied a cloth around my waist so that the lower part of my body could be concealed. One day, a friend of his from Egypt brought him some honey as a gift and this person began to drink this honey. November 20, 2018 . It was then dipped in the water of Zam Zam and all this was happening while he was watching the entire incident unfold in front of him! For every Sunnah, a Muslim follows there is the number of benefits on physical and spiritual grounds. When his physician checked his blood, he was shocked because they were convinced that this was not the blood of the same patient. Miswak For Teeth. For Muslims, their true love is for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whose entire life is encoded in his Sunnah. When they have this opportunity, instead of waiting for others, they prefer to top up their plates while they only wind up eating a small portion of this and the rest is wasted. Run a Google search and you’ll see many Islamic quotes reminding us to “smile it’s sunnah”. There is the great importance of following Prophet’s Sunnah that we should know and then try to follow His (SAW) way then we can be successful in both worlds. We need not explain the damages caused by alcohol as the majority of people are already fully aware of its harmful effects. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last Prophet of Allah Almighty. Even a person who claims to read Salaah cannot fulfil a Fard if he does perform the Sunnah. This is the reason that recently, even non-Muslim Governments have been advising its citizens to perform circumcision after realizing its medical benefits. The Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam also liked fish and had this cooked in oil. It is sad to see the state of Muslims today when it comes to eating. The term 'Sunnah' is also used for the various acts of worship and beliefs, just as everything which is contrary to it is termed 'bid'ah' (innovation)." These are the methods which can create world peace and security while people spend millions of dollars trying to achieve peace through peace symposiums. The doctor thinks that it is because the child is hungry, yet, we know that a human has his entire life to eat. And from the night arise from sleep for prayer with it (as) additional for you; it may be that will raise you your Lord (to) a station praiseworthy. They are in the habit of spending huge amounts of money in buying various types of machines to keep their physical body in good shape. ( Log Out /  However, when the other wing is dipped in, then this becomes like an antibiotic and is able to destroy all the diseases which was carried by the first wing. People today are in the habit of consuming various types of “opening” liquids. However, this physician stayed for one month in Madina Shareef but received no patients. A Sunnah is such an important act that without it the Fard itself remains incomplete. There was no latest hardware or software available at that time and no artificial heart that was put. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam proved that he could listen to the sound of the Divine Pen. "pledge allegiance" Searches for the whole phrase instead of individual words Wildcards e.g. Sadly, most Muslims are in the habit of overeating. After all, what do people term as “modern”? This is the reason that in spite of these expensive meals, the food does not create Nur within our bodies but only creates digestion problems. Remember also, that it is not necessary for you drink this cup of milk or water. Science in that period objected to this type of treatment and informed people that water should not be used on a person suffering from high fever. Hence, the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam gave advice of this nature that if in the event of this actually happening and one needed to have this drink, then this was the medical technique that one could adopt. This is only recently being proven by science through the invention of radio, TV and other telecommunications. We have also been told that if this is not straight then the heart becomes misled. If the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam had advised that as soon as a fly fell into this cup of milk and one had to throw it away, many people would die of regret. As a matter of fact, we would appreciate if they spend their entire life trying to practise on every Hadith, in this way, at least they will be so busy that they will not have the time to insult the Ahle Sunnah wa Jamaah.! You’ll see bright coloured images with smiley faces and “smile it’s sunnah” captioned on them. This prayer includes sunnah prayer considering the many benefits we can feel. But the performance of the Sunnah commences from the time the person is born. Eating less also creates Nur outwardly and internally. The Qur’an is the directly revealed word of God (Allah) and the Sunnah gives the practical implications of Qur’an. Even though the performance of the Fard and the reward attached to it is far superior to the reward for the performance of a Sunnah, nonetheless we will see that without the Sunnah being completed, many acts of Fard remain incomplete. This is one of the reason that we are called “Ahle Sunnah” and not “Ahle Waajib” or “Ahle Fard”, etc. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam informed us that dates was considered as a food item which contained heat and melon was something which was cold and the effects of both could be eliminated by each other. Hidden meaning in this Prophetic message! On forgiveness benefits of Surah Yasin our dearest Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “Whoever recited Surah Yaseen at the night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah would forgive him.” Ibn Hibban, Darimi 3283/A, Abu Yala, Tabarani, Baihaqi & Mardawaih. It is also one of the greatest reasons for obesity. 5 Superfoods of Sunnah & Their Benefits Medical science has advanced in leaps and bounds, so much that there are now over-the-counter medicines available for the mildest of coughs and colds. This King began to eat with his fingers while the other diplomats were passing their usual comments about what type of a King this was. By Tori Dominski. Enter your email address to follow and receive notifications of new posts via email. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. After testing and re-testing and even checking the machine that was used, they finally concluded that a miracle had occurred. “(Quran, 59:7). In the past, people used to use a simple method of placing some ashes on this. ( Log Out /  Articles, Biography, Contemporary issues, Hadeeth & Commentary, Islamic Speeches. Hadrat Moulana Jalaaludeen Rumi Radi Allahu ‘Anhu speaks about a person who opened a special window in his house. Initially, doctors were of the opinion that licking the fingers after eating was an unhealthy habit, nevertheless, today, most of them are of the opinion that the fingers itself contains enzymes that helps in digestion! If you read the “Bismillah,” drink in three gulps and after drinking, you say “Al hamdulillah”, then all of these acts would be considered as Sunnah and you will receive manifold reward for this! Oiling hair. If only people would have practised on the simple Sunnah of eating less, all of this trouble would have been avoided. In Salaah, Qiyam, Ruku and Sujood are Fard, but if one does not perform the Sunnah, such as reading the Tasbeeh in these actions, how will Salaah be complete? They never even placed their hands on that fruit. Even a person like Gandhi used to praise the ethics and behaviour found in Islam. 73 (Sunnah Formula for the Membership of Paradise), Riyadus Saliheen – Hadeeth No. Eating Slowly: We now know that it takes our body 20 minutes to send signals to our brain that it is … Washing the exterior of the body regularly. This clearly proves the immense concern and mercy that the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam has for his Ummah. While Hadrat Sayyiduna Huzayfah bin Yamaan Radi Allahu ‘Anhu was eating, a piece of food fell on the ground. Fasting brings Muslims closer to Allah as he’s in the pious state. In the time of Nabi Saleh Alayhis Salaam, people boasted about their powers of creating dwellings made from rock faces. Its usage in the Shari'ah: "the guidance which the Messenger and his companions were upon in terms of knowledge, belief, speech and action. Yet, even their own experts have discovered that in pigs there are two worms which can create a major health problem. Believers are encouraged to act in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. Sunnah consists of the character, etiquettes, habits and legislative obligations of our Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) performed to keep the Muslim believers closer to Allah (SWT).Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always practiced in his life what Allah (SWT) has revealed on him in the form of Divine revelation the Quran. For example test* would result in … One should also take precaution in not over-eating beef because even recently it has been found that there is a special worm which is found in beef which can create a certain illness. Islam is a religion which nearly fourteen hundred years ago has strictly instructed its followers to circumcise themselves. This was even done after the Battle of Uhud and administered by Sayyidah Fatimah Zahra Radi Allahu ‘Anha when Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam suffered a deep wound. A pious person then asked him the purpose for this, and he replied that he wished to get the benefit of the cool breeze. The same was mentioned about the effects of dates and melon. But certain experts have concluded that external behaviour plays a vital role in the person’s internal set-up. The first thing that people look for is extra meat and the best part of the dish. Even though some of these miracles seems rare to us, but because a Divine Message had to be authenticated, hence these types of miracles appeared. Therefore, we should spend this important time in fulfilling and following the Sunnah of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam. The Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam also advised us to read the “Bismillah” before eating and to eat from that part of the plate which was in front of us. Change ). Therefore, the joke is actually on you and not on me”. What happens if the food is hot and you are eating with a spoon, will you not be able to discern this before eating? The sunnah foods ( foods Prophet Muhammad S.A.W liked and ate) should be a part of our everyday lives. Instead of reading the Qur’an you are busy reading novels and other un-Islamic literature which is filled with lies and deceit. Then Abu Huraira described the whole narration and said: That person said (to me), "(Please don't take me to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and I will tell you a few words by which Allah will benefit you.) The blessed heart of the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam! When a child is born, the child cries. The Sunnah makes believers obtain the unfailing and unchanging criteria of value. Smile It’s Sunnah: Benefits Of Smiling In Islam. (Al-Isra 17:79) His hands on his thighs are placed in a certain manner. Yet, the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam never ever ate two types of food at once. This one wing inside the drink is the wing which contains germs and disease. Which religion is able to compare with Islam where both the spiritual need and the physical needs of a person is enacted all at once? 68 (Confidentiality in the matters of conflict between husband and wife), Riyadus Saliheen – Hadeeth No. Hadrat Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal Radi Allahu ‘Anhu narrates, “I was once in the company of a few people when they entered the public bath without any clothes. – all these are considered as Sunnah. The Sunan (plural of Sunnah) of the call to prayer are easy practices that all Muslims can learn and apply, while their benefits in inspiring remembrance, mindfulness, and faith are immense. Today, we are looking for our respect. This instantly made these magicians speechless. The benefit of the Sunnah As Muslims we know that when Allah or His Messenger decree something for us, it will always benefit us, even if we do not realize it. Even though some people might say that the exercises are quiet insignificant, yet, if the same Salaah is performed properly keeping in mind all the acts of Sunnah and Mustahab, then the physical body of a person would certainly benefit greatly from this exercise. In this manner, he has completed his worship of Allah azza wajal and side by side, his body has also been exercised! The blessed Ashaab wanted to stop him and reprimand him. However, the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam stopped them from doing this. The Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam has advised us that we should keep one part of the stomach for food, one part for water and one part for air. Health Benefits Of Sujud. The doctor could find no patients to treat! Not only this, but by following the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam, one will also become a beloved slave of Allah azza wajal. One of them can create epilepsy and the other can create inflammation within the brain itself. “Siwak cleanses the mouth and pleases the Lord and if I had not found it hard … The physically active have the strength to undertake physical acts of ‘ibadat like salat or hajj. This is such a simple advice and Islam has given us an answer to something as simple as this. In the “Masnawi Shareef”, an unusual story is mentioned about the amazing miracle of a cloth which belonged to the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam. Hundreds of years before, even before anyone knew about this, the Beloved Nabi Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam advised us about this even naming the worm in Arabic as “Su’ul Hazam”. When he makes Salaam, his neck muscle are also exercised. Yet, we must understand that the simple manner of releasing oneself properly in the toilet actually helps in removing most of the medical problems we may encounter in the future had we not released ourselves properly in the toilet. Hadrat Sayyiduna Huzayfah bin Yamaan Radi Allahu ‘Anhu then got extremely angry and said, “I cannot leave the Sunnah of my Prophet Sallal Laahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam just because of your fancy mansion and dwelling.”. Instead of using your fingers to place dice, use it to read the Tasbeeh. 71 (Du’a for Guidance, Piety, Abstinence from sins & Riches), Riyadus Saliheen – Hadeeth No. Thus, giving a Prophetic Qurbani this year is the perfect way to draw closer to Allah’s Messenger (saw) and please Allah even more. Did you know that plaque is building up in your mouth as you … Sunnah fasting is a complement of the fasting obligatory, and the benefits of fasting Sunnah exceeds the benefits of fasting that is obligatory. Once, Hadrat Sayyiduna Anas Radi Allahu ‘Anhu invited a few Ashaab to partake in a meal. It is a Hadith Shareef which tells us that the moon was split on two. These days, there are all types of utensils found on the table. 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Liked fish and had this cooked in oil cloth to burn far as hygiene. At him with great disdain one of the same was mentioned about grey... Mental health should place the Qur'an in a very lazy manner has been commanded Allah! Dip himself in water Ahle Hadith, we are instructed to perform circumcision realizing! This money could be better spent in feeding the poor and building hospitals to take care of the heart misled... Produces a physical, spiritual and psychological benefit to its adherent, gain the blessings and mercy the...