Description. Bert Cregg, Christine McTavish, Andrew Jarosz, Jill O'Donnell, and Dennis Fulbright Michigan State University -
Norway spruce are now experiencing serious health concerns. Some little bugs fell out. In fact, it is not uncommon to see healthy, thriving spruce trees near or adjacent to trees that are in severe decline. Picea orientalis 'Skylands' is another oriental spruce tree; its distinctive feature is its lovely golden foliage. There are, however, two plant diseases that commonly infect and disfigure them. Canker diseases. The youngest needles at the tips of branches typically remain healthy. Symptoms of both needle cast diseases look similar to each other. Often times, people are more likely to see the damage as opposed to the insect pests themselves. As cankers develop, they can interfere with the branch’s ability to transport water and nutrients, resulting in the death of individual branches often referred to as “flagging.”. Being a leader in the tree care industry means continually focusing on learning and innovation. The bottom line is not all spruce trees will be impacted. You might’ve noticed there’s something strange going on with the spruce trees in your neighborhood. The prevalence of diseases on blue spruce trees has intensified in recent years and trees are declining rapidly in many areas (Photo 1). Learn how to identify types of spruce trees, symptoms of two common fungal diseases, and what if any treatments are available. There are a number of factors contributing to the decline we see in blue spruce trees, including environmental changes, poor site conditions and new pathogens. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. One is turning a lighter more yellow color and others are nice and green. Both diseases also can occur simultaneously and progressively speed up the decline of this popular tree. Left, Gall caused by Cooley spruce adelgid. Tip blights are fungal diseases that typically cause dieback to new, emerging shoots (Photo 4). Environmental factors such as drought stress, elevated summer temperatures, and wetter growing seasons have played a significant role in twig dieback and needle defoliation. Another key characteristic of needl… Why Spruce Trees Lose Their Needles, Purdue Extension Blue Spruce Decline, Purdue Extension Diseases Common in Blue Spruce, Purdue Extension Tree Installation: Process and Practices, The Education Store, Purdue Extension resource center Tree Planting and Urban Forestry Videos, Subscribe to our Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube Channel Save For Later. To identify the fungus look closely at the infected needles. ), which turn needles red or lavender, respectively, and can leave large areas in the tree bare after needles are shed. As there are multiple cankers on the tree, the odds of this tree thriving are not good. Throughout the Midwest, Colorado blue spruces have been showing needle loss, dead branches, and browning foliage. Our diagnostic laboratory routinely identifies Rhizosphaera and Stigmina, which are unsightly needle diseases that can lead to mortality if not addressed. Trees may produce ridges of wound tissue around older canker infections as the tree attempts to restrict the fungus’ growth. Alternative conifers for Michigan landscapes. If conditions are not ideal, the trees will begin to decline and become more susceptible to pests. Trees are most likely to be infected if they are planted too closely together or if they are stressed, Yiesla said. However, a recent survey by Michigan State University researchers suggests two other fungal pathogens, Diplodia and Phomopsis, were much more commonly associated with branch death and tree decline than Cytospora (Photos 8-9). Cytospora canker is a disease of mature spruce trees, usually older than 15 years. Photo credits: Left photo, Christine McTavish, MSU; right photo, Dennis Fulbright, MSU. Asked June 20, 2020, 7:56 AM EDT. Key site factors for blue spruce trees are full sunlight, good air movement and excellent soil drainage. As the disease progresses, the needles die, usually the year following the infection. Height usually 40' to 60', occasionally 100', with a diameter of 24"; straight trunk; long, stout branches form broad conical head. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. Also, in many cases there may be more than one issue that is affecting your tree’s health. Although dendroecology can provide valuable information on the past relationships between tree growth and climate, most previous studie … For canker diseases, the effectiveness of fungicides is usually limited. Two of the main host plants are black spruce and white spruce. There is not a whole lot we can do about it. Norway spruce trees can be damaged by lack of water, lack of nutrition, pests like spider mites and beetles, and over-fertilization. Symptoms of forest decline of spruce in Europe range from needle yellowing and loss to tree and stand mortality. In landscapes, Colorado blue spruces have been planted on some sites that are marginal for their success. 3. 1. Left, Decline symptoms moving upward. Other reports of dieback are on trees … Tip blights. All species of spruce, including Colorado blue and white spruce, are being affected, but particularly concerning is the prevalence of ‘decline’ symptoms on well-established Norway spruce. Not sure if spider mites or not. Right, Wood staining on branch with Phomopsis canker. It’s called spruce decline and it’s mostly affecting Colorado blue spruce.. Photos 3-5. Home to 240 rare plant and animal species, red spruce forests once covered the rocky peaks of West Virginia’s high country but were decimated by logging in the late 1800s and early 1900s. New pathogens seem to be discovered annually, and the unusual weather conditions in recent years have further complicated everything. • Eastern spruce galls mainly affect Norway and white spruce. They prefer acid soils, that are coarse textured with good drainage, have adequate water and sheltered from extreme weather conditions. Weather-related stresses and other biotic/abiotic factors involving the root collar, root system, soil nutrient, pH, compaction, and drainage need to be evaluated to help keep spruce trees healthy. In both cases, the insect pests are tiny and you may need a hand lens to see them. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. There are, however, two plant diseases that commonly infect and disfigure them. AdstockRF; Major species. • Current needles near galls may be green; needles are dead and discolored on older shoots with galls. Unfortunately, when most people call, the damage is so severe it is past the treatment stage, or In severe cases, the disease can kill entire trees. The rapid decline of many spruce trees The spruce decline has increased in recent years and trees are dying rapidly in many areas. Dwarf varieties and properly spaced larger spruce varieties will have better air penetration and needles will dry more quickly. juniper,) often have discolored needles or they drop needles when the plant has no readily discernable disease or mite/insect problem. 2. Also consistently seen are Phomopsis and Cytospora, serious and deadly canker diseases on stems. For insect or mite issues, insecticides or miticides can be effective, however selection of the proper product and timing are critical. Originally a favorite due to the relatively low incidence of health issues, the Norway spruce is now experiencing serious health concerns. The symptoms of spruce decline are progressing branch dieback which starts on the inner needles and works its way out over several years. This information is for educational purposes only. In some cases, there are healthy spruce trees positioned near trees undergoing a significant decline. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. Spruce Decline Affecting spruce trees across the Michigan landscape While we are working on characterizing the fungi that are implicated in the decline of Colorado Blue spruce across Michigan please check out these excellent resources for Spruce Decline and conifer disease information: What‚Äôs going on with blue spruce? All species of spruce, including Colorado blue and white spruce, are being affected, but particularly concerning is the prevalence of ‘decline’ symptoms on well-established Norway spruce. As they do so, they cause the shoots to deform and produce galls that resemble cones (Photo 6). In a study area in northeast Bavaria, West Germany, where forest decline was initially detected, exposure to high concentrations of gaseous pollutants, SO2, NOx, and ozone has had no long-lasting direct effect on needles, and pathogens have only been secondary agents. There are a number of factors contributing to the decline we see in blue spruce trees, including environmental changes, poor site conditions and new pathogens. If you wish to save the tree, I would advise pruning out the affected … Blue spruce trees are widely planted due to their good growth rate, stately form and, of course, their blue foliage. Needlecasts. Diagnose the problem. Videos Length: 00:07:09. For some disease issues, such as needlecasts, fungicides may be effective in preventing or controlling the disease. Kimberly Bohn, Ph.D. Former Extension Educator, Forestry and … The two most common needlecasts we find in spruce are caused by the fungal pathogens Rhizosphaera and Stigmina/Mycosphaerella. Remove and destroy any diseased branches and needles by burning (where allowed), burying or hot composting. For control to be fully successful, it may take two to three years of yearly fungicide applications. Two needle cast diseases occur in North Dakota: Rhizosphaera needle cast and Stigmina needle cast. Bartlett’s Tree Topics blog follows in that tradition by offering a place to receive advice on trees, tree pests, tree preservation, and more. While not pines, spruce trees, such as Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) and white spruce (P. glauca), are susceptible to infection by needle rust (Chrysomyxa weirii) and Rhizosphaera needlecast (Rhizosphaera spp. Michigan’s climate is generally more humid, especially in the summer, which is ideal for fungal pathogens to thrive. Spruce is a common grown shelterbelt tree in Manitoba. Frequently asked questions about spruce decline. The key symptom of spruce decline is branch dieback, which progresses over two to four years and renders the plant’s appearance unacceptable for most homeowners (Photo 2). Spruce trees are the most problematic of all conifers in our landscape right now. This year, West Virginia's conservation and lands team will plant 122,500 trees across the state. 'Skylands' should be protected from hot afternoon sun on summer's longest days or it will burn. Purdue Extension Elkhart County GOSHEN — Spruces all over the Midwest are going through a decline. Photos 8-9. Right, Resin oozing from a branch canker caused by Cytospora. Dry needles are less likely to be infected. As a result, bare areas develop on the tree, reducing its ornamental value and overall health. As “Beatlemania” was invading the rest of the country, Hub Vogelmann, professor of botany at the University of Vermont and iconic conservationist, and graduate student Thomas Siccama were doing routine plant surveys on Camel’s Hump in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Over the past decade, spruce trees have suffered an abundance of issues. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As a result, they are stressed and more susceptible to fungal pathogens. Spruce decline. Photo credits: Left and middle photo, Dennis Fulbright, MSU; right photo, Michael Kangas, NDSU, To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit There are three principle types of diseases that affect blue spruce trees: needlecasts, tip blights and canker diseases. Typical symptoms of cankers are sunken areas along a stem that may ooze resin (Photo 5). The likelihood of having success can be improved by planting blue spruce trees on sites with conditions they favor. Rhizosphaera needlecast View bios on each of our bloggers, or click on a name to go to that blogger’s profile page. June 28, 2019. White pine weevil attacks leader shoots in Norway spruce causing them to bend like a shepherd's hook and the needles to fall off. Blue spruce is very susceptible, as are black, Engelmann, red, Sitka, and white spruces. In recent years, most all spruce varieties have been having difficulty fighting off the fungal disease Rhizosphaera needle cast. Similarities and differences between the two diseases exist. If 'Skylands' gets too big for your garden, there is a select "Skylands seedling" called 'Firefly' that displays the same golden foliage, but grows more slowly and stays smaller. I have 3 spruce trees in landscape near each other. Another fungal disease that causes loss of needles is Stigmina, which is often mistaken for Rhizosphaera. Branches may begin to die after 3-4 years of early needle loss. Middle, New shoot tips killed by Phomopsis tip blight. There are several problems that can commonly be found in spruce trees, such as insect damage from spider mites, bagworms or sawflies, and diseases including Cytospora canker, Rhizosphaera needle cast and Siroccocus shoot blight. The rapid decline of many spruce trees in Michigan and surrounding states appears to be related to an increase of canker diseases coupled with other disease and insect problems that plague the species. Though spruce decline is real, it does not mean you have to stop planting blue spruces. The work was to be part of Siccama’s doctoral research documenting plant communities and forest succession at … The leading company in tree care service since 1907. For large or important landscape trees, homeowners should contact a professional arborist or tree care company. All of these diseases are caused by fungal pathogens and each produce specific symptoms that can be useful in diagnosing the problem. Removing affected branches is usually the best action to improve the tree’s appearance and slow the spread of disease within the tree. Photos 6-7. Instructors. Over the past decade, spruce trees have suffered an abundance of issues. Spruce trees and other conifers (including pine, arborvitae, and . Needlecast fungi often infect needles on the current year’s shoots. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. The classic symptoms of needle cast include brownish purple discoloration and eventual death of older needles, while current-year needles show no symptoms (Figure 1). As a result, trees affected by needlecasts often have an outer “shell” of live needles on current shoots and dead needles on older shoots (Photo 3). Some of these conifer dieback symptoms appear in well-established trees. Colorado blue spruce trees, although not native or adapted to Maryland, are commonly planted in landscapes for their attractive color and shape. Another serious health concern noted with regularity is damage caused by boring insects. Damage from gall adelgids is mainly aesthetic. If you can pin down a specific reason for the tree's decline, treat that reason directly. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). As the name implies, trees with needlecast diseases shed needles. Michigan State University Extension recommends homeowners diversify their landscapes to help make their landscapes more resilient to pest and environmental changes, and seek to plant a variety of species wherever possible. Spruce trees have shallow root systems and become stressed during drought, making them vulnerable to insect damage. This distinction is important since not all insecticides will control mites. As with any tree health problem, the first step in dealing with declining spruce trees is to diagnose the problem and identify the cause. Spruce tree decline? • Cooley spruce galls are mainly on Colorado blue spruce and white spruce. • Generally an aesthetic problem, especially on larger trees. Colorado blue spruce is native to arid regions in the Rocky Mountains. Overview. Another complicating factor is that trees may be healthy for a number of years and then begin to decline as they mature and are more difficult and costly to remove. For more information, visit Colorado blue spruce trees have long been among the most popular conifers for landscaping in Michigan and the upper Midwest. Spruce spider mites. The eastern spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) is a major pest of spruce trees in forests throughout Canada and the eastern United States. Oystershell Scale: An Unusual Insect Pest. Michigan’s climate is generally more humid, especially in the summer, which is ideal for fungal pathogens to thrive. Proper mulching, watering and soil care are the best ways to prevent infection. There are a number of factors contributing to the decline we see in blue spruce trees, including environmental changes, poor site conditions and new pathogens. White spruce produces good lumber, and black spruce is the source of spruce gum.White spruce usually is 18 to 21 metres (about 60 to 70 feet) tall. Each pest causes specific damage or symptoms on trees, such as yellow pin pricks on needles affected by spider mites and black fungal structures on needles killed by Rhizosphaera needle cast. It is most common on trees less than 20 feet tall, and is fatal to trees less than 4 feet tall. 1. This fungal disease causes premature death and … Colorado blue spruce is native to arid regions in the Rocky Mountains. plays an important role in the adaptation strategy of forest services to future climate change. Both diseases also can occur simultaneously and progressively speed up the decline of this popular tree. Check out the Agribusiness Management B.S. This red spruce story goes back to the 1960s. Technically, mites are not insects, but are related to spiders. Left, Needlecasts kill older (inner) needles, but leave newer needles unaffected. Finally, for decades the default diagnosis for most problems with blue spruce has been Rhizosphaera needlecast or Cytospora branch canker. Unfortunately, blue spruce trees are subject to a wide range of insect and disease problems that can impact their growth and aesthetic appeal. Gall adelgids. Spruce decline is pretty much what it sounds like – the lower branches on the tree start turning brown and dying. Find them at the tips of new growth. To protect trees not yet affected, apply a fungicide first when 10 percent of the tree is in bud break, again 1 week later, and again 3 weeks after the first spray. The prevalence of diseases on blue spruce trees has intensified in recent years and trees are declining rapidly in many areas (Photo 1). Over the past few years, many homeowners have been alarmed by what seems to be a sudden decline of their blue spruce trees. Asked August 1, 2016, 2:48 PM EDT. Correct identification, often with microscopic observation, is important to identify the issue correctly. Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. I held a white paper underneath and hit branch. ... 2/3 of the tree is in moderate to severe decline. Spruce spider mites cause needle discoloration and eventually kill needles, which can be mistaken for a needlecast disease (Photo 7). Photo credits: Jill O’Donnell, MSU. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. program! This is a difficult question. Right, Needle damage caused by mites. Michigan’s climate is generally more humid, especially in the summer, which is ideal for fungal pathogens to thrive. The first sign of trouble is the browning of needles on the lower branches, which gradually spreads upwards. Spruce trees are not able to form new needles where the old ones dropped. Covering large parts of Europe, Norway spruce (Picea abies L Karst.) The key symptom of spruce decline is branch dieback, which progresses over two to four years and renders the plant’s appearance unacceptable for most homeowners (Photo 2). Numerous insect pests can impact spruces in Michigan’s landscape, but the two most common are gall adelgids and spruce spider mites. While beautiful in shape, color and texture, spruces are not native to our region, and that plays a role in their demise. Tip blights are most common on pines, especially Austrian pines, but can also occur on spruces. Black spruce (Picea mariana) and white spruce (P. glauca) are found throughout most of northern North America, from the Great Lakes to the Arctic tree line. Population levels oscillate, sometimes reaching extreme outbreak levels that can cause extreme defoliation of and damage to spruce trees. Diplodia and Phomopsis are both considered weak or secondary pathogens, so it is unclear at this point why they appear to cause major disease problems for spruce. Also check existing spruce trees for the disease. Although spruce decline is widespread and appears to be increasing, it is not a certainty that all trees will be affected. Colorado blue spruce is native to arid regions in the Rocky Mountains. It is important to note that fungicide treatments for needlecasts only protect new growth. Both are used for pulp. Canker diseases are most commonly found on trees under stress so landscape trees should be monitored closely. Chrysomyxa weirii: Destroy heavily infected trees. Browning and loss of innermost needles on the lower branches is often the first visible symptom of Rhizosphaera. The rapid decline of many spruce trees in the Midwest appears to be related to an increase of canker diseases coupled with other disease and insect problems that plague the species. Adelgids are small insects that feed on shoots by sucking plant sap. 2. If you can't, give the tree an all-around treatment. 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